Monday, December 10, 2012

Doppio Latte

iniii coffee latte bener" cocok buat pecinta kopi murniii, karnaaa creamnya cuma dikiit. lebih dominan ke kopinya dan lumayaan paaiit. tapii seperti gw bilang di post sebelumnya, jangan pernah nambahin gula buat Esprecielo. karenaa yaa bakalan ngurangin khasnyaa, hihihii..... kopinya bikin semangaat dan lumayan bikin meleek!

Doppio Latte, Strong and Rich Instant Caffe Latte
ESPRECIELO DOPPIO LATTE has distinctively rich and full-flavored taste, which is perfect to brighten your morning. Take a sip of this fragrant blend and wake up to its fresh aromas and invigo-rating flavors. ‎ESPRECIELO DOPPIO LATTE is just what you need to begin your day. Complemented with extra Theanine that is scientifically proven to reduce stress. This unique blend is definitely an ideal choice for every coffee lover.


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