Monday, December 3, 2012

Romance of Esprecielo

heemm, jadii awalnya tau Esprecielo ituu dari Hafsah, temen gw yg pernah jadi volunteer di SocMed 2012 kemaren. naah temen" gw jadi sukaa semuaa!! iseng" ikutan kuis daan Alhamdulillah kami puun dapeet free product dari Esprecielo. Thank Yooouuu Esprecieloo :*. naah Romance gw dapet dari Dinii. Tea Latte inii sebenernya rada pait. tapi karena sebelumnya gw udah sering nyobain teh khas beginiian, yaa lidah gw udah biasaa. yaapyaapp, nambaah lagii jenis teh yg udah gw coba. kemarenan Earl Grey, Darjeeling, English Breakfast dan English Tea No.1. skrg giliran sang pangeran Ceylon yg gw cobaa. walaupun ada tambahan susu dan kopinya sedikit, yuumyuumyuumm......

rasa teehnya mirip sama English Tea No.1. Tea Latte inii perpaduan, English Tea No.1, Kopi dan Susu. gw saranin jangan pake gulaa walaupun rasanya rada pait. karena bisa ngurangin ciri khas dari Romance inii, hohohoo :)

Romance, A Passionate Story of Ceylon Red Au Lait
Sweet, tender, and romantic, this Esprecielo’s new blockbuster features two completely different characters : the rich but gentle Milk who falls in love unexpectedly with his lifetime bestfriend, the bold and sensual Ceylon Red Tea. Together, they will find strength, meet challenges, face life’s adventures and open their hearts. In the small town of Ceylon Red Au Lait, author Esprecielo traces their unforgettable romantic journey, full of sweet tender love - as the two of them discover the bond that will last a lifetime. 


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